The mission

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations"

Our Mission

We exist to cultivate a community of authentic christ-followers who commit to making disciples.

The four pillars


We want to be a church where people grow in their faith and truly know Jesus. That’s why we center everything on God’s Word through biblical teaching, passionate worship, and intentional discipleship. Our goal is for everyone to have a strong, personal relationship with Christ.


Church isn’t just a place to attend - it’s a family to belong to. We are called to connect with both God and His Church. that only happens by establishing intentional, life-giving relationships through Small groups, weekly gatherings, and meaningful conversations.


Jesus came to serve, and so should we. We help people discover their gifts and use them, whether inside the church or out in the community, so that others can experience the love of Christ in real, tangible ways.


Disciples make disciples. That’s what Jesus commanded, and that’s what we’re about. We’re intentional about equipping and empowering people to share their faith, invest in others, and continue the cycle of making disciples who make disciples.

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